понедельник, 2 июня 2014 г.

The Notion of the PowerPoint Templates

Nowadays it isn’t a problem anymore to discover original PowerPoint templates following,  just surfing the Internet for making your PowerPoint presentation bright and worth seeing. The matter is that your PowerPoint presentation will have no use if it does not produce any influence on the viewers. To achieve positive responses on your presentation you have to apply PowerPoint templates in it. You can find various types of PowerPoint templates on the Internet today. They can be animated PowerPoint templates, medical PowerPoint templates, business PowerPoint templates and so on. Apart from all the above mentioned PowerPoint templates there are also other types of them available for you anytime you need. These templates are either completely free or paid. Both types can be found on the Internet without problems.
Making a PowerPoint presentation is not a hard work but making it captivating is a little bit hard for people who possess not enough knowledge of PowerPoint. The only question that appears in mind during making a PowerPoint presentation is how to make it unique, attractive and amazing. The first thing for you to do is to select a special theme and look for the proper PowerPoint templates. These days you can find lots of PowerPoint templates on the Internet which are absolutely free for you. There are also premium PowerPoint templates to this given on each type of templates. You can choose the so called pre designed PowerPoint templates which make your PowerPoint presentation attractive and produce a mesmerizing influence upon the viewers.
It is possible for you to download the PowerPoint templates at any hour of the day in simply several clicks of the mouse. There are a number of sets available for you to download. They are of 3 slides, 24 and 30 slides. You can download these PowerPoint templates in accordance with the requirements. The slides in PowerPoint templates consist of diagrams, graphics, charts etc. to show the points in the most effective way. The PowerPoint templates provide clearness in the presenter’s points and help the presenter to carry his or her message to a number of viewers without any problem. You can select PowerPoint templates on the basis of the theme and make them according to the time set for their presentation.

Keep in mind following points during making your PowerPoint presentation. First of all you should apply only fabulous PowerPoint templates. Also they should be captivating, informative and brief. To make your PowerPoint presentation really attractive you should add some descriptive pictures along with the content. To bring accuracy in your work apply charts, graphics, tables, diagrams etc. Use PowerPoint templates made in bright and decent colors. These are the few recommendations which you should follow and keep in your mind for making really original and attractive PowerPoint presentation.

The most common mistakes in PowerPoint templates

Let us discuss the appropriateness of microsoft office powerpoint templates in the class and summarize the most important conclusions.

Well, let us start with the practical part. PowerPoint presentation template in the classroom provides broad opportunities for teachers and students. Demonstration of models, illustrations, video, animation and sound effects, elements will draw anyone’s attention to the topic. Unfortunately, too often teachers forget about the action-oriented purpose of using PowerPoint presentation template and are trying to replace in such a way their own role in the classroom. But how can we replace teachers with a textbook. Therefore any wonderful PowerPoint presentation cannot replace the work of teachers.

We must always remember that:
1) PowerPoint presentation template is an illustrative additional material for the lesson, not a textbook or synopsis to the lesson. That is why, there is no need to pass all teacher's words, goals, objectives, rules, teacher questions, greetings and farewells to the screen. What we can say with words will be superfluous in your microsoft office powerpoint template see that's.

2) PowerPoint presentation template should not replace practical activities of students. Remember that it is better to memorize what you do with your hands, but not what you see on the screen. That is why, it is much better to demonstrate all experiments, to measure, weigh and mix materials, compare the size, weight, color with his hands in real practice. PowerPoint presentation can show those things, which are impossible to be shown in the classroom, such as: a model of the solar system, the movement of large objects (cars, trains and elephants) or hazardous chemical experiences.

3) Watching PowerPoint presentations requires some physical efforts; especially it affects eyes. That is why using presentations should be limited. It is not necessary to bring the whole lesson from the very beginning till the end to the screen. Use only some individual elements. Total running time of the presentation in the classroom should not exceed 20 minutes. Try to alternate the presentation with some practice, such as writing work, changing postures, playing team games.

4) PowerPoint presentations template is an illustration for a lesson, rather than entertainment that is why you need to pay attention carefully to the selection of illustrative series and effects. Some teachers find various Internet sites with lot of different animated images, and place them in PowerPoint presentations template. Remember that variegation and flashing are an additional burden on the eyes and nervous system. In certain cases they can be a real distraction for perceiving the material. Of course it is not a big secret that pupils of primary school like so much everything vivid and moving, but never forget that the main purpose of the lesson is to give knowledge and to fix certain skills rather than to entertain. The same rule applies to the unnecessary use of animation effects.

If you sum up all above information and consider the above thesis, you will analyze the most common mistakes which can do a user while creating his or her
microsoft powerpoint template here is.

The Art of Making Beautiful PowerPoint Template

In order to promote a company, you will easily understand that most of advertisements are nonsense: about 60 introductory PowerPoint slides templates in Smiletemplates about "patent pending", "the advantage of a pioneer in this field", "all that is needed is to make 1% of Chinese people to buy our product". These speeches are lousy. While listening to them, the audience starts losing their attention and patience, there is a constant ringing in their ears and the world begins to spin wildly...

There is a promoted PowerPoint rule “10/20/30”. It is very simple: a PowerPoint template click here should have no more than 10 slides, they should last no longer than 20 minutes and the text size should be no less than 30 points. In business, this rule applies to any case: for example, capital increase, sales increase, agreement of cooperation, etc.

Ten is the optimal number of slides for presentation in PowerPoint. It is absolutely true, because normal average people can not accept more than ten concepts simultaneously and entrepreneurs belong to average people. (The only difference between you and any entrepreneur is that he pays for the risk not his own money). If you normally use more than 10 slides for your PowerPoint presentation template, then you probably do not make business.

Any entrepreneur pays his attention to ten moments, which are the following:
  1. Actual problem;
  2. Decision;
  3. Business model;
  4. Basic method/technology;
  5. Marketing and Sales;
  6. Competition;
  7. Team;
  8. Prospective evaluation and decomposition stages;
  9. Status and work schedule;
  10. Results and call to action.
Your need to present 10 PowerPoint slides during 20 minutes. Obviously you will have a whole hour, but clearly you will use your laptop with Windows, and about 40 minutes you will surely spend on fixing the projector. Even if everything is perfectly set up, people can come a little bit late, or they will need to leave earlier. Ideally, you make a report within 20 minutes and 40 minutes you spend on the discussion.

Most of the PowerPoint presentation templates have the text size of 10 pixels. You can see them almost everywhere. People try to squeeze as much text as possible into PowerPoint slide. In this case the speaker will have to read the text content. As soon as the audience notices that the speaker is reading the text of the slide, people will start reading it faster than the speaker can do it. As a result the speaker will not be able to synchronize with his audience.

There are two main reasons, why people use a small text size:
1.      First of all, the lecturer poorly knows the material.
2.      Secondly, the lecturer used to think that the as much text there is in the PowerPoint presentation template, the more convincing it will seem to the audience.

It is such subjectivism. Teach yourself to use the text size at least of 30 pixels. This simple trick can guarantee you that your paper will be much improved, because the key points will be highlighted, and you will know how to explain them easily. If "thirty pixels" is too strict for you, then there is another smart trick which can be recommended to you – you can find the older person in the audience and divide his or her age by two. This will be the best size for your text size.

That is why please observe the PowerPoint rule “10/20/30”. If you do not like it, then when you notice someone in the audience who suffers from hearing loss, tinnitus and dizziness, you will know the real reason why it is happening. And finally, in order to learn as much as possible about the art of making beautiful PowerPoint presentation, have a look at the site of Harry Reynolds.

Technology of PowerPoint presentation template in the digital age

Technology of PowerPoint presentation following has changed in the course of improving the scope of communications. PowerPoint presentation has a profound impact on every aspect of business communications starting from a corporate conference room with directors to external relationships with clients. This introduction has been widely used by the two major achievements. The first and perhaps the most important is the discovery of numerous advantages of digital communication systems. We live in a digital democracy, where everyone has access to digital technology. The second achievement is the idea of using interactive technologies.

Digital democracy makes a revolution in technology of PowerPoint presentations. Achievements in technology of communications have allowed people to create, spend and distribute terabytes of any kind of available information. Internet access is universal, so everyone has access to it. Videos are now being actively developed with the help of digital cameras and phones. Easy creation of digital images posted on the world net, has enabled the masses to use a different image. The basic principle applies to digital music files as well.

Ready access to any information in our daily life affected the way of presentations. Humans use sight, sound and movement every minute of their life; it assumes a multimedia experience when they watch PowerPoint presentation examples. The presentation should use advanced multimedia features to constantly keep the interest of the audience. PowerPoint presentation templates to this make it easy for users to use different media and have become a familiar tool of communication in our life.

At the level of corporate communications you will see digital democracy in action. Times are gone when only the higher authorities and their employees could use personal communications, or only skilled professionals with their knowledge of technology could make professional presentations. The best presentations were easy, professional, included an excess of video, audio, and graphics that impressed the audience and helped to improve the impact of key messages. Nowadays a wide access to digital communications enables each company to be on this high level of professionalism.

Unfortunately, an access to professional materials, including video, audio and graphics cannot guarantee that information is used effectively throughout the organization. Still there are many employees, who do not have proper skills in creating PowerPoint presentations. In this case presentation management team can really help to find the solution.

Presentation Management team treats the presentation as a way of presenting the safeguards, such as brochures or websites. Presentation Management is the creation and distribution of presentation materials to organizations. How does it work? Authorized group of people in the company construct a complete presentation library, which includes all the necessary information, such as an overview of the company, information about services, pricing, market information, research papers, case studies, biography, etc. Any presentation is based on the company's brand, original, and contains video, animation, and a series of images that reinforce the impression of the report and intrigue the audience. Representatives, as a rule, are typical sellers who can pick up PowerPoint slides that will be used on a particular business meeting. Working with such a collection of PowerPoint slides, saves time and money.

Step by step guidance on how to create a slide show in PowerPoint presentation template

Nowadays almost every person has a lot of pictures from different family or friend’s holidays, special or common occasions. Creating a PowerPoint slide themes click show is a great way to create a backup copy of your memories, which will follow during the whole life. The aim of this small article is to describe the principle of creating a slide show with the help of PowerPoint program. We will not go too deep into details of PowerPoint program, but we will try to consider only the concept of creating a slide show in PowerPoint. The main advantage of viewing your photos in a slide how is it's originality and the ability to show photos to your friends and relatives as a cohesive thematic story.
Step # 1. Choose a theme for your photo slide show.
First of all it is very important to think over what topic you would like to present and in such a way to focus people’s attention on your photo slide show. It can be a summer vacation, birthday or wedding ceremony. Do not turn into a slide show photos of different topics! In this way it will be very difficult to organize them in a logical sequence of the event.
Step # 2. Spend some time selecting your best photos.
Choose your favorite photos from your collection that match your topic. They should be of the highest quality. If it is necessary, scan or import photos to your computer.
Step # 3. Open PowerPoint program and create a new presentation template.
Immediately provide the name to a new PowerPoint presentation and save it accordingly.
Step # 4. Create the first sheet.
First PowerPoint slide should be designed as a cover sheet. Invent a name and write it on the first page. Try to decorate your sheet as beautiful as possible. But never go too far and do not try to overdo. Lettering should be easy read, strict and concise.
Step # 5. Add a new PowerPoint slide.
Step # 6. Import selected photos into a PowerPoint slide show.
Go to "Insert - Picture - From File". Select the photos which you have already chosen in the
step # 2.
Step # 7. Add background music to the slide show.
Do you have wonderful music on your computer? It can be easily added to the slide show. It is a great way to keep the interest of your audience. But have a careful attitude to the choice of musical accompaniment of your photos. Music can break down the slide show. Make sure the soundtrack fits the photos well.
Step # 8. Add transitions between photos.
Good transitions are one of the crucial importance for high-quality slide show in PowerPoint presentation template web site. They help bind together a slide show and make smooth transitions from one photo to another. In addition, transitions can highlight important points, so that the audience will focus on them. Transitions have a high impact force.
Step # 9. Create sketches for the slide show.
This step is relevant only for a large slide show. The more your slide show is, the more sketches you may need. Sketches help viewers quickly find a specific photograph and to start playing the slide show with it.

Step # 10. Convert slide shows into Flash.
If you want to watch your slide show online, you must convert the slide show into Flash format.

Microsoft PowerPoint templates can help to work faster

Microsoft PowerPoint is the new way of showing people your unique and important ideas. For teachers in schools or universities: teaching by such a wonderful method will help to make quite difficult process of study much easier, colorful and interesting not only for school children students but for teachers as well, who have such a strong desire to make their own lessons unforgettable for schoolchildren by all possible ways. For children: Microsoft PowerPoint is easy to use not only for adults, but also for children. We all know that today there are all the necessary and possible kinds of the equipment in many schools and students can present their projects in such a way. For business people: Microsoft PowerPoint will help for those business-people who want to show their new ideas, concepts or just an analysis of any situation with the usage of Microsoft PowerPoint templates from this web site. So, the main question is: how does it work? Microsoft PowerPoint template is a kind of an example of creation the ppt presentation for those people who works with PowerPoint on the regular bases. Microsoft PowerPoint template is the way to do your work much quicker. PowerPoint users can also make the templates in this program themselves, but we offer them to use our already pre-designed templates. Our clients have an opportunity to download them freely into their computers and work with them, only editing the information and adding some pictures to make in more attractive for the listeners.

Creation of attractive presentation with unique powerpoint backgrounds

If you face the task to create an interesting and informative PowerPoint presentation here is you come to the right place. Here you can download powerpoint backgrounds for ppt templates or just pre-designed ppt slides on the various themes. We are happy to offer you the optimized searching system that can be used for finding the needed pictures or other additional elements for your own ppt presentation. There are so many great ideas and new concepts that are embodied in our ppt examples. All you need to do is just to download them into your computer hard disk and enjoy the easiness of the creation of an attractive presentation with unique powerpoint backgrounds. Our web site offers you to check out the collection on online powerpoint backgrounds check this, templates, themes, images or animation effects which can be easily browsed and downloaded and used in your performance. With our help you will impress any kind of audience, both business and educational one. All our ppt items and elements are well organized and placed under separate categories. Such a searching tool is very convenient and helps to save a lot of time and efforts. If you visit our web site, you will be pleasantly surprised by the choice of amazing new ideas; different styles – either modern or old ones; various categories: such as abstract, education, business, religion, health, holidays, medicine and so on. All the time we keep developing new categories and sub-categories. Our content materials are suitable for any presentation.

Ppt presentation templates

Every modern person knows that through the visual demonstration of the project the listeners are able to learn much information and it will completely depend on the level of consciousness of the audience. You are allowed to choose any theme and find any ppt presentation templates for your ppt presentation check this. Our web site is ready to propose you to use out pre-designed professional powerpoint templates, backgrounds, or the slides on the theme which you may need. Moreover, you can download them free of charge from this web site. All our clients are very satisfied and we are convinced that you will enjoy our site as well. On this web site you can easily download all powerpoint templates. All of them are situated on the separate web pages, where you can find the description of these free powerpoint backgrounds, which are free of charge. Our designers respect each personality and they understand perfectly well that each project is a unique one and each person has his or her own taste and preferences. That is why we have created powerpoint templates of all possible colors. In addition we would like to stress that all powerpoint templates are smartly divided into various categories in order to try to help you in selecting particular items, which will match all your personal requirements. All widely used categories, such as holiday, education, military, religion, business, technology and so on, are represented on our web site. All our ppt themes are made with one purpose to impress your audience and help you to achieve the main goal of any business – success.

PowerPoint 2007 themes

There are a lot of themes that can be represented with the usage of PowerPoint. We offer our clients a large collection of powerpoint themes: nature, industry, technology themes, etc. You will be impressed with the great variety of choice and what is more important, the needed powerpoint themes see that can be downloaded into your computer free of charge. We always try to provide you the highest quality of our layout ppt samples; they are made by the professional designers, but not by the amateurs. You can be one hundred present sure that our powerpoint themes with various pictures, images, animation effects will create the unique and unforgettable image of your ppt presentation. Numerous amazing powerpoint themes can be downloaded by you free of charge. All of them can be used for your personal use and purpose in any kind og ppt presentation. If you do not need it for yourself, you are allowed to share it with friends, colleagues or university mates. They will be very grateful to you. They are very convenient while working with different projects on any topics, either for business or educational purposes. Powerpoint themes, which are represented on this web site are not allowed to be distributed or sold. By clicking one of the offered ppt images, you will be followed to another web page where you will be able to preview all elements. As soon as you have downloaded the file, it is necessary to click on it in order to extract all the files.

Free ppt templates

Our web site is ready to present you an absolutely new overview of the various free powerpoint templates in Smiletemplates. With their help you will be able to create an unforgettable and unrepeatable PowerPoint presentation. Our customers are always satisfied with our collaboration of powerpoint templates. They always see the result that was intended to be made, on the basis of our powerpoint templates. The high quality of the individual artistic powerpoint templates is provided thanks to the high qualification skills and the experience of our specialists. We provide the perception of the information on the viewer and intuitive level. Our web site is the best place, where you will easily find a huge collection of ppt backgrounds, amazing graphic elements. With their help you will create a new ppt presentation or modify the old one, so it will have completely new appearance and will attract all the attention of your listeners who came to listen to you. All our inspirational design elements are free of charge, so you can choose as many as you need and easily download all of them. Moreover we offer you two ppt slides, which are ready to be used. Even if you are not an expert in PowerPoint program, all you need to do is to download and unzip the selected files. Now they are ready to be used in your ppt presentation. Our professional designers have created all these powerpoint templates go here for the personal use. Downloaded ppt templates can be used for your own presentation or you can share it with your clients, colleagues and school mates. They will be useful for everybody.